

June 2006 Bulletin cover

Members of the AES receive the Bulletin four times a year.

Membership of the Amateur Entomologists' Society runs from 1st January to 31st December each year and costs as little as £20 for an adult and £12 for a junior member (please see our current subscription rates). It's easy to join and you can join online or join by post.

New members will receive all publications published during the year of enrolment subject to availability, except for those joining after October 1st. Members joining on or after 1st October will be enrolled for the following year unless a specific request for membership of the current year is made. In such cases the publications for the year will be sent and the remaining ones received as they are published. A further membership subscription payment will be necessary for the following year.

If you are already a member why not introduce a friend to the AES, if they join you will receive a discount on your renewal fee. Alternatively you could buy a gift membership for someone.

Membership types (UK and Overseas)

Membership can be categorised into four distinct groups (each with an associated subscription rate):

If you have any queries about membership please contact us.