
Fun and Games

Build a giant bug

Close-up photograph of the head of a Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly, _Libellula depressa_

We know from fossils that some of the earliest dragonflies had a wingspan of approximately 30cm. Why not build your own GIANT dragonfly?

Argghhhhh it's a GIANT BUG! Ever wanted to own your own giant bug? Well now you can, with these simple instructions you can download and build your own giant dragonfly or giant ant.


  1. Each giant bug comes in a number of parts. The dragonfly is in five parts and the ant is in three parts. Follow the links below and print out each of the parts for your chosen insect:
  2. Having printed out your insect parts onto paper, stick the paper on to thin card. The back of a cereal packet is ideal.
  3. Colour in the various parts of your insect with coloured pens or pencils. You can choose any colours you like but you can also look round on this Web site for inspiration.
  4. Get an adult to help you with the next bits
  5. Carefully cut round the parts of the insect. Cut round the tabs at the bottom of the head, on the bottom of the thorax and wings closely.
  6. For the dragonfly:
    • Cut through the slot (marked with a horizontal line) on the top of the thorax.
    • Cut through the two slots on the left and right side of the thorax (marked with a vertical lines).
    • Cut through the slot (marked with a horizontal line) on the top of the abdomen.
  7. For the ant:
    • Cut through the slot (marked with a horizontal line) on the top of the thorax.
    • Cut through the slot (marked with a horizontal line) on the top of the abdomen.
  8. Slot the pieces of your giant bug into place in this order:
    1. Head slots into thorax.
    2. Thorax slots into abdomen.
    3. Wings slot into thorax (dragonfly only).

Why not try hanging up your giant bugs, or drawing them a giant world in which to live?