
Online donations and other payments

The Amateur Entomologists' Society promotes an awareness and understanding of insects and other invertebrates, especially amongst amateurs and the young.

The society is a charity and does not operate to make a profit. The activities of the society include education outreach, publication of books and leaflets and enabling an amateur voice in insect conservation. These activities are supported exclusively by member subscriptions and donations. The Michael Majerus Grant, the grant encouraging active involvement in entomology by a new generation of entomologists, is supported solely by donations.

Your support would help us with our important work.

You can also use this form to make other payments to the AES, such as for trading space at our exhibition as directed.

Make a donation/payment now

How would you like your donation to be used:

Please select a donation amount:

Please enter your donation amount on the PayPal site once you've selected 'Donate'.

If you are a UK tax payer, please allow us to claim Gift Aid on your donation:

Please rest assured that any donation you make to the Society will be put to good use.

Your donation will be allocated to the relevant income category in our annual accounts.

If you are a UK tax payer and allow us to claim Gift Aid from your donation, we will need to know your postal address. Usually this is provided automatically as part of the PayPal payment process but, if not, we will contact you directly.